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Campaign description
Our campaign #9days18ways will provide us 9 days for action, awareness, and accountability in 9 ways for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and the 18th goal being #allrightsforchildren.
To persuade the global community to achieve a better and sustainable future by promoting social development, environment protection, and economic growth that aims to build a more prosperous, more equal, and more secure world by the year 2030.
Come join hands with us in this Global Goals Week by sending us your entries based on the SDGs using creative means like videos, blogs, and testimonials.
#9days18ways #endpoverty #developmentforall #leavenoonebehind #sdgs #sustainabledevelopmentgoals #nineismine #pratyek
Support us and your future!
Target group
Support us and your future!
“A safe, empowered and an inclusive society is the key to sustainable development. It’s high time we hear the voices of vulnerable and make it happen.”
The COVID-19 pandemic has threatened to leave deep social, economic and political scars for years to come and has proved to have deepened the inequalities and injustices while we see the world break into pieces, from being struck by extreme wildfires and hurricanes, to the refugee crisis following the collapse of Afghanistan’s government, to the continued need to address racism. Meanwhile, COVID-19 is not waning and vaccine inequality remains a challenge. However, the 16th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 16) adopted by the UN as part of the 2030 Agenda seems to be a crucial stepping stone which seeks hope amidst chaos and an opportunity to turn pieces into peace.
It envisions promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. Certainly, SDG 16 runs as a thread through all the 17 SDGs as effective, transparent and responsive governance is inextricably linked to making progress on the 2030 Agenda – from health to employment to education. The COVID-19 crisis has only highlighted this further as governance failures have resulted in increasing inequalities, deteriorating trust in public intuitions and significant obstacles to accessible services, including health services. An effective recovery from COVID-19 requires that the different dimensions of SDG 16 be at the core of the recovery processes.
Every individual needs to be free of fear from all forms of violence and feel safe and empowered enough to express their views freely and contribute to decisions that affect their lives. We need effective and inclusive public institutions and equitable laws/policies that can deliver quality education and healthcare, fair economic policies and inclusive environmental protection. It is important that governments, civil society and communities work together to implement lasting solutions to reduce violence, deliver justice, combat corruption and ensure inclusive participation at all times. Disputes must be redressed through functioning political and justice systems. National and local institutions must be accountable and need to be in place to deliver basic services to families and vulnerable communities equitably.
Thus, empowerment, awareness and collaboration along with the existence of a strong moral compass, is much needed to ensure strong institutions, global standards of justice, and commitment to peace everywhere.
Author: Neha Jain
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