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Make Winter Warmer For Homeless People8

Categories: Donation Homeless People Natural disaster

About the Fundraiser *Ketto is not charging any fee on this fundraiser* “1% of every city population is homeless” – Estimates by IGSSS in ‘CityMakers’ PRATYeK is a child rights organization that was founded by the Christian Brothers who run St. Columba's School and similar educational institutions across the country and the world. It is a registered body that collaborates with different like-minded organizations to educate young citizens on varied environmental, equity and inclusion issues. (please see PRATYeK with its 80G, 12A and FCRA certifications and professional protocols and programs has emerged as one of the leading child rights organisations with recognition from both international and national organisations and governments. The beneficiaries of PRATYeK hail from various vulnerable situations like urban slums, street and rural situations and inaccessible areas of our country. Rescued child laborers, child brides, trafficked children as well as those who belong to vulnerable minority, tribal, and caste-based communities. Through its elaborate connections with grassroots organisations, PRATYeK reaches out to children across the nation while engaging actively with leading child rights organizations like the United Nations, UNICEF, Save The Children, World Vision etc both nationally and internationally. In Delhi, Mumbai and Guwahati itself, we work directly with over 200 children providing them with their daily nutritional and supplementary educational needs while giving them a sense of childhood even as they face the grim realities of life in slums or on the streets of our capital city. While PRATYeK engages with members of parliament, state legislative assemblies, and other elected members, it attempts to reach out to a child’s immediate entitlements like education, nutrition and play. During the COVID pandemic it distributed over 2 million meals to people across the country particularly vulnerable children and their families. It also engaged with the distribution of tablets to ensure that vulnerable children continue their access to education in these troubled times under lockdown. This winter with its early onset is predicted to be one of the most severe ones. The aftermath of the lockdown indicates that it will affect hundreds of thousands of people. In response to the same, PRATYeK hopes to address the 2 lakh people living on the streets of Delhi with at least one improvised blanket cum tarpaulin sheet which we call a ‘sleeping bag’ to help them address the predicted cold wave of Delhi. Each of the sleeping bags cost us Rs. 250 to produce and will ensure that there is a blanket over each of these brothers and sisters of ours on the streets and some in slum-situations or institutional care. PRATYeK will ensure that each of these blankets are hand-delivered in a targeted fashion to people most deserving even while avoiding the replication of beneficiari

Posted by: Visions